"Trump hears that you don't like what Trump is doing."
How many ways can Jack Nicas find to say that the Apple car is doomed?
FBI: Fear of iPhones grossly exaggerated
7 years ago

Bogus from the word go.
The President has gone rogue on iPhone security, Politico asserts, resisting aides' entreaties to swap out his Twitterphone.
Read More Politico: Trump's pair of burner iPhones pose security risk
Apple bear makes the worst of a good thing
7 years ago

Jeff Kvaal twists himself into a pretzel to justify a 12-month price target of $175 when the stock is trading at $188.
eMarketer: Apple Pay is No. 2
7 years ago

In the U.S., Starbucks is the king of mobile proximity payments.
Counterpoint: Apple 42%, Google 1%
7 years ago

Six of the top 10 smartphones sold in the U.S. last quarter were iPhones.
The catchiest Apple animoji yet
7 years ago

"Taxi Driver" is timed to the release of an Apple Music exclusive. Naturally. From AppleInsider: The minute-long video features the bear Animoji character supported by the…
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